Program Overview

The basis of our programs is peer learning/peer teaching which is sharing with others what you know or discover about a subject. There are no competitions, no grades, no exams – just an opportunity to learn together in a friendly environment.

The SLR program has four major learning components, and Social Events as well:


Sessions are offered during the fall, winter and spring. Study Groups generally meet once a week for two hours during either the morning or afternoon over an eight or ten week period. A variety of topics are offered each term, ranging from current events to history, the arts, sciences, politics, philosophy, geography and more – whatever interests our members. Participants select a course from those offered.

All members of a Study Group are expected to make a 25-30 minute presentation on a subject relevant to the course topic, followed by an open discussion among group members.   To this end, new members are encouraged to attend the Presentation Workshop prior to the first study group they take.  [SLR provides several support systems for participants who would like assistance in selecting topics and/or making their presentation (see “Resources”, listed at the foot of the Courses Page)].

If a new member would like to experience a study group but is hesitant to give a presentation, they may put themselves on a waiting list for a course.  Once the final number of presenters registered for a course is established, up to two new non-presenting members may be invited to enroll.   They would pay full fees and join in the discussion, but would not give a presentation.

Each course has two volunteer class leaders. Groups meet once each week for 2 hours and there are usually two presentations at each meeting.


Here the emphasis is on learning by doing. Participants meet to pursue a common interest and develop/improve their skills in a hands-on or less formal manner. Examples are: art, writing, photography sessions, computer clinics and learning about social media. Each of these groups are peer-led by an SLR member who has some expertise or skill in the subject.

Sessions are offered during the fall, winter and spring. Activity Groups generally meet once a week for one and a half to two hours and can be held in the morning or afternoon or sometimes over a lunch hour. They vary in length from three to ten weeks – see each individual Activity for details. 

Members of an Activity Group are not required to make a presentation but active participation is encouraged. Activity Groups vary significantly in content – hopefully you can find something that piques your interest. Remember, the intent is for all of us to learn from each other, so don’t be intimidated if the course involves a topic or activity you’re not familiar with – you won’t be alone!


Discussion groups are limited to a maximum of 15 participants and can run from 5 to 10 weeks. Participants meet once a week for 1 1/2 to 2 hours to discuss a general topic in a roundtable format. Past topics have included ‘Canada Votes: Federal Election 2019’, ‘Estate Planning’, ‘Death and Dying’ and ‘Talking Global Issues’. Hopefully you can find a topic in our current offerings that interests you!

Sometimes volunteers in the group will research a question or topic for the following week and may present a five to ten minute summary. Discussions are open and freewheeling but the course leaders ensure everyone who wants to has a chance to participate and ask questions. 



Interest groups are like clubs. We have clubs for members who want to learn to play the ukelele or recorder and also more advanced clubs for those who have already enrolled in one of the beginner’s sessions. 

Enrolling in an Interest Group usually starts in the Fall and your enrollment continues throughout the Winter and Spring terms, all for one low price! We also have an Interest Group that meets once a month to watch whatever is playing at the Hyland Theatre; the members then get together after the movie to discuss it together. This Interest Group can always take on new members. 

Photography, the SLR Gina Barber Singers and a lunch group are also sometimes on offer. To see all the Interest Groups that are currently taking on new members, or to sign up now, click on the link below.


These events provide opportunities for members from all groups to get together for a social outing. They may include luncheons, nature walks, theatre outings and field trips.

Resources Available

A Presentation Workshop is offered before each term and is led by an experienced presenter. Please see the Calendar for dates and times.

Other Resources

– Access to UWO Library
– DVD and large screen
– Overhead projector and transparencies
– Laptop and projector for PowerPoint presentations
– CD/tape player
– Photocopier
– Microphone

Do You Have An Idea For a Course?

Courses are selected by the Curriculum Committee one year in advance and proposals are always welcome. 

Please email us below at or deliver the completed form to the SLR lock box in the Grosvenor Lodge lobby, Attention: Chair, Curriculum Committee.

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” – Aristotle

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