About Us

SLR is a non-profit, member-run organization of retired or semi-retired individuals from all walks of life who share a love of lifelong learning.  Our environment is welcoming and friendly, and the only requirement for membership is a willingness to actively participate in your own and others’ learning experience.
Through shared learning, members expand their knowledge  and skills on a variety of topics.  A feeling of camaraderie is also fostered through group discussions and social events.  If you love to learn, SLR is for you!
We are a registered charitable organization that has been generously sponsored by Westminster College Foundation. When you join SLR, you become part of a community of adults 55 years of age or better who encourage each other to continue learning.  We maintain a friendly environment where  thoughts, ideas, experiences and interests are shared and new friends are made.
The basis of our programs is peer learning/peer teaching:  sharing with others what you know or discover about a subject.  There are no competitions, no grades, no exams – just an opportunity to learn together in a friendly environment.

We meet online or at Grosvenor Lodge, 1017 Western Road, London Ontario.


All study, activity & workshop, discussion and interest groups are held at Grosvenor Lodge unless otherwise stated. Some activities, especially those involving field trips, may be located off campus. SLR makes every effort to ensure they are fully accessible.
Grosvenor Lodge is an historic heritage home built in 1853 by Samuel Peters. In 1992 a coalition of heritage and environmental groups, under the sponsorship of Heritage London Foundation, proposed, and entered into an agreement with the City, to operate Grosvenor Lodge as a public centre. The City of London made possible the relocation of SLR London to this beautiful site  by providing wheelchair accessibility and sufficient free parking for our members.

 “The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” – Aristotle

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