Make a Donation

SLR is a charitable member-run volunteer organization serving London and the surrounding area.  Membership is open to all and, in that spirit, the organization’s guiding principles state that SLR must be self-sustaining, keep expenses to a minimum and carefully manage its finances – so that all fees and dues are universally affordable. Since the membership revenue does not cover all operating costs, donations are the only way the organisation has to defray them. It follows that SLR has to depend on the financial generosity of its members as well as others who believe that lifelong learning is an important element of healthy aging. Needless to say, donations from all individuals and organizations that wish to help, are greatly appreciated.

Tax deductible charitable donations can be made:
1) Online by simply adding a donation amount in the space provided when viewing your Cart from the menu above (just before you Proceed to Checkout), or
2) By making a cheque payable to SLR and mailing it to: SLR London,
c/o Grosvenor Lodge, 1017 Western Road, London, On  N6G 1G5, or
3) Through the Canada Helps secure website.  Be sure to enter “Society for Learning in Retirement London” when asked for the CHARITY NAME or CAUSE on the first page of the website: then follow instructions to make your donation.

Other ways to donate include:
a) Asking former employer(s) to make a direct donation or about any “matching donation” programs – employers may also suggest other companies or organizations who might support SLR especially if they are actively involved in the retiree marketplace.
b) Through a will bequest (your estate will receive a tax receipt for the full amount of the donation)
c) As an “In Memoriam” donation in memory of a family member, friend or colleague who has passed away – a kind and thoughtful way to let others know you care.

All donations are kept in confidence, unless the donor specifically permits recognition in SLR publications. If you have any questions or concerns about donations, please contact The Treasurer by leaving a message at the SLR Office [519-438-3525].

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